discusses why potilical, religious or spiritual correctness can have no role in the Transpersonal
A PhD in Transpersonal Psychology can be a real impediment to the transpersonal experience
With respect to the efforts of the well versed parrots who may be reading this, I learned in my High School Debating that, in order to discuss something, one must first have a grasp of the topic that is being discussed.
grounds of reference
Definitions are a good starting point ..
Thus, any discussion as to whether god is, is not, does or does not, should, I would consider, be based on first, defining the word god .. according to its etymology, its roots and origins.
To do so is to find that the word god is derived from the 14th century translation of the Latin Vulgate which was commissioned by a Roman Emperor.
In the 14th Century, there was a split in the Roman Church with 2 Popes .. one German and the other Roman.
The old German word is 'gotte' and due to the Saxon influence on the English Language, this later evolved to 'god'.
So, whether you are a believer of an athiest depends whether you are tied into the Legacy of the Roman Catholic Church.
We need go no further than the official doctrine of the RC Church itself to find out a little more from their scholars ..
the roots of the word "gotte" are found in Sanskrit and Aramaic .. the words "hub" and "emu" meaning "that to which we give sacrifice and that to which we are sacrificed"
Transpersonally speaking, it is the personality which is sacrificed to something "beyond" .. and this is variously described as "the continuence of being" (YHWH) or "That" from the earliest origins
of Sanskrit .. or .. "The Way" which we are all familiar with from its Chinese derivation in the Tao.
Thus, the objectifiable form "god' is a figment of the collective imagination - no more than a psychic entity -- an emotional thought-form -- nevertheless a very real 'tulpa'.
Great Caesar's Ghost
Interestingly, neither this word 'god' or its equivalent exists in ANY other language or any other spirituality .. except in the English Translation of the book we call 'the bible'.
Now .. for those who like to quote the Buddhist Canon, are you aware of when it was first put into writing?
How close is this date to the appearance of the Latin Vulgate with its Gospels?
If you do some research, you may find that according to the publications of the Roman Catholic Church, the Pali Canon was heavily influenced by the influence of early Christians who traveled the well
worn path south ...
even some of the not so widely read Islamic texts discuss the cross cultural influences in symbolism parallels in Sanskrit, Aramaic, Islam, Judaism and Chrsitianity
So, in the face of some readily available information, parrot learnings and repetition of consensus beliefs formed under duress does not constitute a valid platform for discussion ...
especially when, phonetically, the word god begins and ends with sounds which cannot be uttered without stopping the breath
if one moves beyond religious infatuation, reverence is another obsessive compulsive psychosis
Its really that simple .. the closest analogy would be that "god" is nothing more than Great Caesar's Ghost ..
a Caesar who murdered his wife and child, baptised himself and called himself a Christian
Killing off the feminine
Caesar then entered an accord with other faiths to repress and remove all references to the feminine and its symbolism ...
especially the "black stone" ...
Creation is a feminine principle symbolised by the Yoni .. and the new moon
Our Lady of Fatima .. and, Our Lady of Guadeloupe
are references to the black stone ..
to which Mohamad referred ...
"I am her son and she is my daughter"
and this, is your "Virgin Mary"
and, if you are really worried about suicide bombers,
the trend actually started in England
with a bloke name Guy Fawkes
trying to blow up the English Parliament