A review and definition of the trends in Transpersonal Psychology as a re-enchantment of Psychology, from its origins in the Renaissance to its evolution within the full spectrum of currently available scientific and philosophical research

Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal Psychology -- main points

Transpersonal Psychology includes, but extends beyond traditional branches of psychology

Main focus : the study of mind, body, spirituality and expanded consciousness

Trans = beyond: personal = ego. Transpersonal refers to beyond our personal ego to include awareness of higher or expanded states of consciousness

Transpersonal Psychology associates 'transpersonal consciousness' as higher or expanded consciousness, including consciousness of a transcendent spiritual dimension.

It distinguishes between religion and spirituality: religion refers to adherence to the beliefs and practices of an organized church or religious institution whereas spirituality refers to a transcendent dimension and force that people can experience.


refers to beyond (trans) our personal and corporeal sense of self to include, for example, transcendent experiences such as near death experiences (NDE) where our consciousness extends beyond our usual perceptual abilities.

Transpersonal experiences (and there are many categories) have unique characteristics. They are often referred to as spiritual or metaphysical experiences because they seem beyond the limitations of physical reality and mundane experience.

Transpersonal psychology and other areas of science, such as Quantum Physics, provide new theories, insights and speculation on human potential and the world we live in.

What is Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal Psychology is a progressive field of study emerging from earlier branches of psychology including psychodynamic, behaviorism, humanistic, phenomenological and cognitive psychology that incorporates spiritual dimensions of experience in the scientific study of human beings.

Transpersonal psychology focuses mainly on mind, expended states of consciousness and human potential. Research into transpersonal states of consciousness provides new psychological theories on perception, self-identity and ways of knowing.

Transpersonal Psychology and Spirituality

Within the context of Transpersonal Psychology, spirituality refers to a universal dimension that is both transcendent and immanent.

Transpersonal psychology recognizes the importance of integrating spiritual with physical and mental reality; that spirituality is one part of the whole.

Transpersonal Psychology is not an ideology or a religion. It is not New Age. It is about increasing individual awareness of body, mind, soul and spirit with a view to transforming the way we perceive ourselves and our relationships with other people and the environment.

transpersonal psychology
- a plain man's notebooks

The TransPersonal (or spiritual) Human cannot hold any paradigm, epistemology, philosophy of life, religious or spiritual belief which separates one member of the species from any other

The separation of race, creed, culture, and spirituality originates from personality.

about Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal Psychology -- and ...

"Transpersonal Psychology"
  … copyright 1997-2011 Transpersonal Lifestreams, Hobart, Tasmania
  … updated 21st March 2011.

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