index to articles and essays on the theory, principles and practices of transpersonal psychology, transpersonal psychotherapy, transpersonal counselling, spirituality and the emergence of the Self
table of contents
- Getting Started -- an introduction to the transpersonal notebooks
- Background to the transpersonal notebooks -- of men, minds and fish
- Transpersonal Metaphors -- Stories, Myths and Legend
- Transpersonal -- the transpersonal experience
- Living in the Moment -- what does it mean and, are you?
- The Pointing Finger -- guidelines for transpersonal psychology, therapy and training
- Transpersonal -- a definition of humanity
- The Personality (or the ego) -- past words and experiences frozen in time in the body
- Transpersonal Psychology and Transpersonal Therapy -- personal experiences and perspectives
- A PhD in Transpersonal Psychology can be a real impediment to the transpersonal experience
- the Self Proclaimed Expert -- ruminations of a worm
- Enlightenment is never complete -- the transpersonal joke
- Guru and Disciple -- the teacher comes when the student is ready
- words, language and semantics -- the transliminal importance of meaning
- Transpersonal -- theory and definitions
- Consciousness -- defined from the perspective of transpersonal psychology
- Transpersonal Relationships -- between life's building blocks
- Personality and Individuality -- the transpersonal relationship
- Holons -- the structure of transpersonal relationships in living organisms and social organizations
- son of man, Son of God -- the Transpersonal Principle
- Masculine and Feminine -- the primordial principles
- Duality and Nonduality -- homeostasis and the play of consciousness
- Transpersonal Psychology
- Mind, Ego -- and transpersonal psychology
- Isness -- what IS and what IS NOT, That is the question
- Memory and the Mind -- recreating a new version of the past in the present
- Detachment -- a definition (all the world's a stage)
- Mindlessness -- the sounds of silence of the mind
- taming the Monkey Mind
- Ego Death -- the consciousness of the transpersonal Ego
- True Ego -- is formed from the gap in the ego
- No Mind -- the consciousness of being in the mind of god
- Transpersonal Self -- god and love
- Transpersonal Self -- beyond my personality
- Meaning of Love -- consciousness and spirituality
- Unconditional love
- Self Love -- self and the knower of the Self
- The Stem Cell -- consciousness of the transpersonal self
- Shamanic Experience -- psychosis and transpersonal psychology
- Psychosis -- forsaken by god - the collapse of the spiritual
- Freedom -- just another word for nothing left to lose
- the truth and definition of god -- and 'god' dwells in you as you
- Transpersonal Therapy -- options, principles and practices
- Spiritual Therapy -- the compassion of a cpiritual therapist
- Taking the lone path -- a journey into transpersonal therapy
- The Transpersonal Therapist -- and transpersonal therapy
- Transpersonal Therapy and Psychotherapy -- principles and practices
- Transpersonal Transformation -- transformation, therapy and the cuckoo
- Transpersonal Therapy Training: practical insights for the transpersonal therapist
- Kundalini -- origins, definitions meaning and symptoms : a Transpersonal perspective
- Kundalini -- definition and meaning from the ancient Sanskrit roots
- Origins of Kundalini -- kunti in the Mahabharata
- Kundalini as the Divine Power -- one energy defined in many cultures and traditions.
- Kundalini Serpent -- its meaning in different cultures
- Kundalini and Transpersonal Psychology -- the essence of kundalini
- popular modern kundalini myths
- Kundalini Experience -- body, mind and body-brain
- Kundalini -- subtle energies of the body
- Kundalini -- mystical experience, spiritual emergence and awakening
- Self Healing -- physical renewal through the energy of kundalini
- Kundalini on the Cross -- an alternate perspective of the crucifixion
- Divine Feminine -- kundalini, transpersonal and the inner feminine
- Divine Marriage -- kundalini and tantra
- Kundalini Awakening -- kundalini energy at work in the body
- Kundalini Awakening -- the emergence of kundalini
- Tantra -- the sacred weaving
- essays from my transpersonal experiences
- journal, weblog, random humour -- and 'stuff' that fits nowhere else
- being Enlightened -- the freedom of being Awakened from the clutches of the Grand Trickster
- Epiphany -- a question of spiritual record
- Heffalump Pooh -- Transpersonal Psychotherapy and the Spiritual Elephant
- bastard and heretic
- Spiritual Being .. or being spiritual -- defining personal spirituality
- the answer is blowing in the wind
- dead heroines and the rape of humanity