expert and expertise defined : ex + pert ... lifeless, lacking spirit, is in poor health, cowardly, backward and unskilled
the Self Proclaimed Expert -- ruminations of a worm
ex means "has been" .. or once was or past ... pert means "lively, sprightly, in good health .. bold, forward .. skilled" that an expert is one who has lost the innate intelligence of their childhood.
"ex" + "pert" ...
lifeless, lacking spirit, in poor health, cowardly, backward, unskilled
in other words .. an ex - spurt could be said to be a "has been .. an unknown drip under pressure" who has become a self-proclaimed narcissist...
Ruminations of a worm
Every person in my life, every book that I read is one facet of a jewel .. and the jewel would not exist without its multitude of facets to reflectand refract the light in all of its hues in all directions. - each according to the angle of the light ...
Of all of the species, the human DNA is closest to that of the Great Hairy Earthworm that tills andnurtures the Earth to make that which was once barren a fertile ground where seeds can mature into abundance
There are several obvious differences between the Earthworm and the Expert .. apart from the shapeand living habit, the most obvious (to me anyway) is in the manner in which they process their shit.. eliminate from their system that which the body no longer needs.
Writing from the perspective of 66 years of this bodies' lives and deaths I may have a slightly different understanding of the world from some people. I might have a different understanding of the Meaning and Purpose of Life and I might have a different sense of values.
Mind you, its taken 66 years of sorting the expert's dogma of spirituality from the metaphor to understand that, like what I often write here, the so-called Sacred Texts are nothing more than Transpersonal volumes of Pointing Fingers that point to something that is, ultimately both unknowable to the ego mind and so powerful a reflection that the studious who seek expertise becomes expert in the "The Finger" rather than "The Way".
Transpersonal Psychology views Enlightenment as the "Panacea" for all wounds and ills ... ask any "ex-spurt" what it means to be enlightened and most will perform the actions of a well trained parrot and be able to quote at length from their personal interpretation of "The Structure of the Finger" that they have inserted up their own backsides so they do not have to face the shit that's coming out of it.
Wholeness, Integrity, Enlightenment, and Healing are not found in the "Way of Artificial Constipation" of the shrinking process of the intellectual study of Transpersonal Psychology
The Great Hairy Earthworm allows shit to both pass through it and over its own body. Would there be any fertile plains if the Worm modelled its behaviourof the "Way of the Supercilious Human". Would the Human even have anything to eat?
The word is Attachment
True Spirituality comes from the rekindling of firstly, our awareness of That, followed by our acceptance of THAT Transpersonal Essence in faith .. until our bodies remember THAT, under the bindings and the boundaries of what we have been taught.