Consciousness defined as the Transperson relationship between all life forms this; a summary of consciousness described as the spirituality of all being
Transpersonal Relationships -- between life's building blocks
at every level of life, a Transpersonal relationship called consciousness exists with every other level of life.
consciousness : the relationships between life's building blocks
- every single, simple building block (or holon) of all life - has Consciousness,Sentience, Awareness which is a bi-directional radiation pattern (homeostasis) from the holon.
- the Consciousness of each holon or Single Cell both interacts with and produces the environment in which it exists with the sole purpose of maintaining life - its survival.
- both the Consciousness and the environmental interaction of the Single cell takes place even if the "cell brain" or nucleus has been removed.
- the only decision that the Single Cell makes is whether its environment supports the life of the Cell. This is its "will to life" .. and it will attempt to change itsenvironmental associations to support its life
- the energy in form of the Cell-It-Cell-f (manifested holon) is described as the Feminine Principle.
- the energy of the Environment in which the holon or Cell "lives" is described as the Masculine Principle.
- both the Masculine and Feminine Principles fulfil the function of Creator and Destroyer.
- the Perpetual Homeostasis between Creator and Destroyer is the Life Sustainer. This is the flow of the Tao and the Spirituality of Being.
- when the energy of the Masculine Principle and Feminine Principle are harmonious, Life exists (Flows) without modification.
- when the Masculine Principle is threatening or inharmonious to the Feminine Principle ... i.e.. when the environment does not support the harmony and life of the holon... then the holon will modify its behaviour to defend and support It-Cell-f in any way it can to find that balance and harmony within its environment which will support Its-Life.
- throughout all myth, mysticism and Spiritual Texts, the Feminine Principle isreferred to as Mother and the Masculine Principle is referred to as Father.
- mother (in her forms) is the metaphorical principle used to describe energy of Life-It-Cell-f in the self-perpetuating beingness of Living.
- father (in all his forms) is the metaphorical principle used to describe the Environment of Life-sustaining, Life-creating and Life-destroying.
- these Principles apply to every "Unit-of-Life" (Holon) from a Single Cell through "Cell-Colonies" (simple organisms)to Complex Organs and Organisms of Plants, Animals etc .... and Hu-Manity.
- clustering is a Principle where Single Cells come together or work together as a "Cell-Colony" (Holon) both withinand to create an environment which is supportive of Life-It-Cell-f
- at each level of existence, harmony (Tantra, Yoga) is sought as a Principle-of-Life between the individual "cells-in-the-cluster"and between the cluster and the environment.
- within the cluster or Holon, the cluster-it-cell-f (Feminine, Mother) creates the environment ( Self, Masculine, Father) for each"simpler" cluster down to the Simple Cell.
- there is a continual interchange or Homeostasis between Life-It-Cell-f (Mother, Feminine Principle) and Life-It-Self (Father, Masculine Principle)such the neither can exist in its own separateness.
- the deepest consciousness is of this planet we call Earth