Definition of the Transpersonal Self - explained through a parallel between the consciousness of a "stem cell" and what some call the "transpersonal self"

Transpersonal Self -- the consciousness of the Stem Cell

A single cell (even with its nucleus removed) has the ability to adjust its structure and growth patterns according to its environment. The stem cell is no different.

Stem cells are how we all begin -- the undifferentiated cells that go on to develop into any of the more than 220 different types of cells that the adult human body holds.

There is a lot all sometimes conflicting comment written about the "transpersonal self". Let me approach it in perhaps another way that may give you a little deeper understanding of "the process" by drawing a parallel between the consciousness of a "stem cell" and the "transpersonal self".

The Stem Cell

Stem cells are master cells of the body — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are created. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells, called daughter cells. These daughter cells either become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with a more specific function, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle or bone. Stem cells are unique — no other cell in the body has the ability to self-renew or to differentiate.

Consciousness of the Stem Cell

Inside an embryo no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence are dozens of stem cells. Initially, these cells are blank slates, meaning that their fate is undecided. But they have great potential. Stem cells are omnipotent, which means that they can develop into every cell, every tissue and every organ in the human body - unlike a regular cell, which can only replicate to create more of its own kind of cell. Stem cells also have the capability to self-renew -- they can reproduce themselves many times over. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.

Adults also have stem cells in the heart, brain, bone marrow, lungs and other organs.

They are our built-in repair kits, regenerating cells damaged by disease, injury and everyday wear and tear. Adult stem cells were once believed to be more limited than stem cells, only giving rise to the same type of tissue from which they originated. But new research suggests that adult stem cells may have the potential to generate other types of cells, as well. For example, liver cells may be coaxed to produce insulin, which is normally made by the pancreas. This capability is known as plasticity or transdifferentiation.

However, a stem cell cannot work with its neighbors to pump blood through the body (like a heart muscle cell); it cannot carry molecules of oxygen through the bloodstream (like a red blood cell); and it cannot fire electrochemical signals to other cells that allow the body to move or speak (like a nerve cell). However, unspecialized stem cells can give rise to specialized cells, including heart muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells.

Consciousness of the Transpersonal Self

Now, read the previous paragraphs back again only this time try substituting "the transpersonal self" for every reference of "stem cell".

The Science of the Transpersonal Self

As science progresses, more and more revelations are appearing as to the nature and types of stem cells -- but it is my awareness that as far as the adult is concerned, yes, they have identified what they call an "adult stem cell" but I feel they have missed an important precursor (something that comes before the adult stem cell) in the pressure of their search for medical marvels.

But as far as your process is concerned, scientists have developed a process whereby it is possible to "reprogram" normal skin cells and turn them into embryonic stem cells.

And also -- the key gene (christened Nanog after the land in Celtic myth called Tir nan Og, whose inhabitants remain forever young) that keeps embryonic stem cells in a state of youthful immortality has been discovered.

In more recent research, stem cells have become targets for gene therapy, in which genes are inserted into an individual's cells in order to treat a disease. Once modified to carry a therapeutic gene, stem cells should continue to divide as normal, replenishing themselves and producing specialised daughter cells that will carry the same gene.

Of course, we already know that genes are turned on or off -- in the process that starts within the first five days from conception!

Mothers and their Daughters

Perhaps it's not coincidence that nearly every research article refers to the original stem cell as "mother" and the products of mother as "daughter cells"

And, as far as we can translate from historical records, mother kundalini was known more than 8000 years ago

Unconditional Love
and the Transpersonal Self

There are no words to describe the unconditional love of the 'transpersonal self'; it can be experienced, but that experience cannot be described without the limitation of the self that is trying to understand what just happened.

If the experience is absorbed without limitation, then every subsequent experience will probe even deeper depths.

Love and Self

"Transpersonal Self -- the consciousness of the Stem Cell"
  … copyright 1997-2011 Transpersonal Lifestreams, Hobart, Tasmania
  … updated 21st March 2011.

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